Wednesday, 31 October 2012

Advice On Buying Candy Wholesale

In the course of a year, there are a variety of different occasions that crop up that give cause for celebration, like Christmas, New Years, Graduation Days, birthdays, anniversaries and christenings. It is at these times that it is customary for people to buy or make chocolates and candies for these events. To help you cater for these events here is some good advice on buying chocolate molds wholesale.

First is the site from where you are planning to buy. Make sure the site is reputable with "contact us" or "chat with us" signs, with comment boxes where buyers can leave their feedbacks about the experience and the quality. However, when buying on eBay, where there are many different sellers, it is a good idea to check for a 100% positive feedback rating, and read some recent comments people have left about the delivery and quality. Sellers on eBay also have contact information where you can get in touch with them about the molds that they are selling.

 Second is the price. Many, but not all online shops offer lower prices compared to candy stores, but you may be asked to pay shipping charges, so at the end the prices can be comparable, except when buying them in bulk online, where there can be bigger discounts available, compared to your candy store. Online wholesale stores can give discounts of up to 30%.

Chocolate Making Recipes

To start, you will need chocolate that can be made into candy with the minimum of fuss. Some brands that I suggest are Guittard A'peels, Melt n' Mold Chocolate or Mercken's. These products are ideal for most basic chocolate making recipes and work effectively in molding products, as well, since they don't require the chocolate to be tempered once it has been melted.

Using a squeeze bottle or a teaspoon, fill each cavity in a flat style chocolate mold. When they are all full, gently tap the mold on the counter top or other hard surface. This will cause any little air bubbles to surface. If you want to make chocolate suckers or lollipops, you simply use your hard candy lollipop molds. Just make sure that you place the sticks in the chocolate with a twist. This helps the chocolate "stick" better. As instructed earlier, always gently tap the filled mold, making sure to not dislodge the sticks. Then, take your molds and place them carefully into the fridge to help them cool and set.

 While cooling, the candy shrinks slightly. This enables the candy to slide right out of the mold once it has cooled and is ready. Use a paper or cloth towel to place them on while removing the candy from the molds to keep them from breaking. You don't want all your hard work to break or dent at this point. If you have a difficult time removing the chocolate, give them a little extra time in the refrigerator.

Chocolate Models

Chocolate models of yumminess filled with antioxidants, means there are health benefits of chocolate, and may help symptoms of breast cancer. No need to feel guilty by enjoying dark chocolate candy. Eating chocolate models of dark chocolate candy, is good for you! For women all over the world, deciding the worlds finest chocolate, can be a difficult thing!

In ancient civilizations all throughout the Americas, the healers often used chocolate as a remedy and to address various health issues. But is has only been in the last few years that anyone in the Western world acknowledged that chocolates could provide any kind of health benefit. The fact is that even though people consider treats made from cacao delightful to savor, they have also been associated with cavities, acne and other ailments.